Estimation of the dynamics of power grid operating parameters based on standard load curves




power grid, parameter recovery, adequacy, standard load curve, state estimation


Power grids are insufficiently equipped with means of monitoring of operating parameters. The infrastructure of commercial power consumption accounting systems is the most developed. However, power consumption information is stored in the aggregated form. This makes it impossible to determine the components of the balance losses of power and to analyze their structure without simplification.

It is suggested to use standard load curves to increase the adequacy of the results of estimating the operating dynamics of power grids. In order to match the measured operating parameters and pseudomeasures calculated by standard load curves, it is proposed to use an algorithm based on the least-squares method. Accuracy estimation is carried out by comparing power consumption curves of the absolutely observable network with simulation results.

It is found that the use of standard load curves allows restoring power consumption curves with acceptable accuracy in the complete absence of measurements. Conversion of aggregated information of commercial power consumption accounting systems into time graphs helps to improve the accuracy of simulation results of characteristic grid modes. As a result, the accuracy of determining technical losses and other components in the power balance structure is increased.

Clarification of the components of power losses in the balance structure allows identifying the problematic elements of power grids and developing better measures to improve their energy efficiency. In addition, the use of standard load curves and formation of pseudomeasures reduces the cost of monitoring systems of power grid parameters

Author Biographies

Yurii Tomashevskyi, Vinnitsaoblenergo PJSC Mahistratska str., 2, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21050

Chief Information Officer

Oleksander Burykin, Vinnytsia National Technical University Khmelnytske highway, 95, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Power Plants and Systems

Volodymyr Kulyk, Vinnytsia National Technical University Khmelnytske highway, 95, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Power Plants and Systems

Juliya Malogulko, Vinnytsia National Technical University Khmelnytske highway, 95, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Power Plants and Systems


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How to Cite

Tomashevskyi, Y., Burykin, O., Kulyk, V., & Malogulko, J. (2019). Estimation of the dynamics of power grid operating parameters based on standard load curves. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8 (102), 6–12.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment