Optimization of syndromic method for error correction in adaptive communication systems
adaptive communication systems, syndrome error correction, timer signal constructionsAbstract
Despite the great redundancy of existing methods for information coding for its further transmission over communication channels little attention has been paid to research and development of alternative methods. One of alternatives is using timer signal constructions, allowing to increase the channel capacity more than two times, realize a great number of powerful, allowed for transmission, code constructions with minimum data elements instead of hundreds of elements in redundant position codes. The effectiveness only of those syndromes, which correct displacement errors of one SRI (significant renewal instant), was theoretically and experimentally verified, other code words, which do not satisfy the quality requirements, are subject to further verification. This method for information coding can be used in existing wire communication channels, thus increasing their capacity. Using of timer signal constructions will increase the channel capacity due to a fundamental change of the method for information coding without increasing the error probability.
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