Cross scatter-combir of the six-port transducer of vector network analyzer


  • Владимир Анатольевич Карлов Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University 72 Gagarin str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49010, Ukraine



vector network analyzer, four-port discontinuity, reflection coefficient


Two designs of 12-pole measuring converters were studied in the paper, in which the E-plane waveguide X-shaped power divider and four directional detectors are used.

In the first converter design, the X-shaped divider is loaded in a measuring port directly on the studied two-pole network, and three scalar panoramas measure the reflection coefficient and two attenuation coefficients. The basic parameters of the mathematical model allow realizing the advantages of the six-port converter. The main source of the measurement error refers to the “operation” of scalar panorama, located in the input port of the divider, in a standing wave mode. The constructed mathematical model reflects the properties of magnetic Hertz vector dispersion over a scalar four-port discontinuity of the divider.

In the second converter design, the supporting directional detector is replaced from the input port to the measuring channel between the divider discontinuity and studied two-pole network, and adjusted to the output wave power. In the mathematical model of the six-port converter there are no re-reflections which arise in the measuring port; though the centers of three circles on a geometrical model lie on the same line that is the lack of this design. The obtained mathematical model of the converter corresponds to the model of the converter-summer of the input wave.

As can be seen from the conducted experimental studies, the error of measurement of the complex reflection coefficient of two designs of vector panoramas is at the level of 10%.

Author Biography

Владимир Анатольевич Карлов, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University 72 Gagarin str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49010

Associate professor

Department of Applied and Computers Radio physics


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How to Cite

Карлов, В. А. (2013). Cross scatter-combir of the six-port transducer of vector network analyzer. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(9(66), 8–14.



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