Logical and probabilistic modelling concerning risk of safe functioning violation of hump yard
safety of functioning, risk, logical and probabilistic model, hump yardAbstract
When carrying out the technical process of breaking and making up trains as well as accumulating carriages on marshalling sidings plenty of dangerous situations may occur. Some of them can lead to safe functioning violation at a hump yard. One of the criteria of the high-quality hump yard control is identification and assessment of violation risks. The development of logical and probabilistic risk model of safety violation at a hump yard for assessing and determining the hump yard safety level has been considered in the paper. The main types of safe functioning violations at a hump yard have been described. They have been served as the basis for working out possible occurrences and forming logical models of dangerous situations on the way of breaking up and making up trains. The obtained models allow determining probabilities of safety violations on separate sections of the way of breaking up and making up trains and throughout the entire route. Comparing to the existing models, a logical connection of possible dangerous occurrences on different route sections of breaking up and making up trains has been taken into account. Hence, there exists a possibility of estimating the safest (or the most dangerous) route on a hump yard.
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