Development of complex methodology of processing heterogeneous data in intelligent decision support systems




decision support system, monitoring object, different types of data, computational complexity, information processing, type of information


The complex methodology for processing heterogeneous data in intelligent decision support systems is developed. This method is made to increase the efficiency of processing heterogeneous data in intelligent decision support systems. The complex methodology consists of the following interrelated procedures: heterogeneous data storing model; heterogeneous data synchronization algorithm; heterogeneous data separation algorithm; heterogeneous data indexing algorithm. The model of storing heterogeneous intelligence data, which is the basis of the methodology, differs in the presence of templates of intelligence objects and parameter templates of intelligence objects. Templates allow storing both unstructured heterogeneous intelligence data and structured intelligence data according to a defined pattern, which reduces the time to access the data. In the heterogeneous intelligence data storage model, a heterogeneous intelligence data synchronization algorithm, heterogeneous intelligence data separation algorithm and heterogeneous intelligence data indexing algorithm are developed. The development of the proposed technique is due to the need to increase the efficiency of processing various information types in intelligent decision support systems with acceptable computational complexity. The proposed method allows increasing the efficiency of intelligent decision support systems through integrated processing of data circulating in them. The proposed method allows increasing the efficiency of information processing in decision support systems from 16 to 20 % depending on the amount of information about the monitoring object

Author Biographies

Pavlo Zuiev, General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Povitroflotsky ave., 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03168

PhD, Head Deputy

Ruslan Zhyvotovskyi, Central Scientifically-Research Institute of Arming and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Povitroflotskyi ave., 28, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03168

PhD, Senior Researcher, Head of Research Department

Research Department of the Development of Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems and Complexes

Oleksii Zvieriev, Central Scientifically-Research Institute of Arming and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Povitroflotskyi ave., 28, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03168

PhD, Associate Professor, Researcher

Research Department of the Development of Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems and Complexes

Serhiy Hatsenko, Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine Povitrofloski ave., 28, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03049

PhD, Deputy Head of Department

Department of Intelligence

Volodymyr Kuprii, Military Unit A 0135 Povitroflotsky ave., 6, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03168

PhD, Associate Professor, Head Specialist of Department

Oleksandr Nakonechnyi, Institute for Support of Troops (Forces) and Information Technologies Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine Povitrofloski ave., 28, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03049


Mykhailo Adamenko, Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine Povitrofloski ave., 28, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03049

PhD, Head of Laboratory

Research Laboratory

Department of Intelligence

Andrii Shyshatskyi, Central Scientifically-Research Institute of Arming and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Povitroflotskyi ave., 28, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03168

PhD, Senior Researcher

Research Department of Electronic Warfare Development

Yevhenii Neroznak, Military institute of telecommunications and informatization named after Heroes of Kruty Moskovsky str., 45/1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011


Department of Automated Control Systems

Vira Velychko, Military institute of telecommunications and informatization named after Heroes of Kruty Moskovsky str., 45/1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011


Department of Automated Control Systems


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How to Cite

Zuiev, P., Zhyvotovskyi, R., Zvieriev, O., Hatsenko, S., Kuprii, V., Nakonechnyi, O., Adamenko, M., Shyshatskyi, A., Neroznak, Y., & Velychko, V. (2020). Development of complex methodology of processing heterogeneous data in intelligent decision support systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(9 (106), 14–23.



Information and controlling system