Constructing the models of programmed flight for path calculation in designing tactical and anti-aircraft guided missiles




missile, programmed flight model, flight path, optimization, optimal path, calculation


Several models of programmed flight have been constructed to perform calculations on flight path optimization in designing tactical and anti-aircraft-guided missiles. The developed models are based on the determination of interrelated programmed values of altitude and the flight path angle depending on the range which have a differential relationship. The combination of flight altitude and flight-path angle programs allows the users to simulate the steady flight of a guided missile to the calculated endpoint using the methods of proportional control.

Good correspondence of the developed models to the physics of flight was shown by assessing the quality of approximation of the developed models of flight paths of anti-aircraft guided missiles obtained using other known models. The obtained approximation error was less than 5 % which indicates a good correspondence of the developed models to the physics of flight.

Compliance of the developed models of programmed flight with the intended purpose and the advantage over the most common known models were proved by optimizing the flight paths of the anti-aircraft-guided missile. In most of the considered calculation cases, the value of the objective function was improved to 2.9 %. The flight path was optimized using a genetic algorithm.

The developed models have a simple algebraic form and a small number of control parameters are presented in a ready-to-use form and do not require refinement for a concrete task. This allows them to be implemented in design practice without spending much time to speed up the calculation of optimal design variables and optimal flight paths of tactical and anti-aircraft-guided missiles

Author Biography

Anton Chubarov, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Postgraduate Student

Department of Designing and Construction


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How to Cite

Chubarov, A. (2021). Constructing the models of programmed flight for path calculation in designing tactical and anti-aircraft guided missiles. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(4 (109), 21–30.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects