A procedure to forecast and manage water resources and to redistribute runoff water flow when passing floods





fluctuations in water levels, unsteady mode, water flow rate, efficient use of water resources, implicit boundary-difference flow scheme, MIKE 11


Economic losses from floods have become catastrophic due to the increase in the number and scale of their propagation. Existing procedures for passing floods and pre-preparing reservoirs for flood water acceptance are ineffective and need to be improved. Therefore, the task to devise a methodology that would eliminate these shortcomings was urgent.

This paper has proposed a procedure for calculating the passage of floods based on the forecasts of water inflow, taking into consideration the characteristics of the flood wave and the mode of reservoir filling, which makes it possible to bring down (reduce) the maximum flow rate through a waterworks by accumulating floodwaters in the reservoir.

The software package Mike 11 (Danish Institute, Denmark) was employed to build a hydrodynamic model of floodwater movement along the examined river section from a hydrological station to a waterworks, which makes it possible to determine the levels of water and the flow rate in a reservoir at any time in the form of free surface curves when passing floods of various range.

Based on the devised methodology, recommendations have been compiled for the forced discharges of water through hydroelectric turbines (in m3/s) when passing floods of various probabilities (which is especially important for floods whose probability is 0.01 %). The constructed hydrodynamic model of floodwater movement through a reservoir has allowed the verification of the devised procedure.

The procedure was devised in order to effectively pass floodwaters and bring down the maximum flow rate through a waterworks.

The introduction of the methodology for calculating the passage of floods could make it possible to avoid idle water discharge through the water drains of waterworks to the lower pool and provide for the most efficient utilization of floodwater resources

Author Biographies

Dmytro Olefir, PJSC Ukrhydroenergo

Head of Commerce Department

Anna Panasenko, PJSC Ukrhydroenergo

Head of Hydro Resources Forecasting Group

Department of Forecasting, Analysis and Reporting


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How to Cite

Olefir, D., & Panasenko, A. (2021). A procedure to forecast and manage water resources and to redistribute runoff water flow when passing floods. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10 (110), 6–17. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2021.228561