Development of a model of electric impedance in the contact between the skin and a capacitive active electrode when measuring electrocardiogram in combustiology




electrocardiography, capacitive electrodes, burn injury, biomedical electrodes, impedance modeling


Long-term ECG (electrocardiogram) measurement in patients with burns is a complicated problem since the overlapping of surface contact electrodes can lead to additional injuries. The possibility of ECG recording in patients with burns using capacitive electrodes was not proved, and there are no models of the electrode contact with a patient’s body while rehabilitation means are used.

In this paper, the model of the contact between capacitive electrodes and the skin was modified and the circuit model of the contact: skin – bandages (saline solution) – film – active capacitive electrode, was described. The influence of the parameters of a capacitive electrode on the amplitude-frequency characteristics (AFC) of the contact of an electrode with skin was assessed. It was found that contact capacitance is crucial to obtain a high-quality ECG signal. The parameters of the impedance of bandages, saline solution, a dielectric film were calculated, and their effect on the AFC was studied. Based on the modified model, the AFC contact was modeled taking into consideration all the calculated parameters; it was found that the resulting AFC of the contact corresponds to the frequency range of the ECG signal. Analysis of the calculations proves the possibility of using capacitive electrodes when applying various rehabilitation means. It was found that at a change in the impedance of the saline solution from 0.1 gigaohms to 1 gigaohm, the changes in the AFC of the contact are not crucial for the final quality of the received signal.

All calculations were carried out by modeling in the Qucs environment (ngspice SPICE).

Simulation results can be used in the development of new types of capacitive electrocardiographic electrodes. The proposed model can be used to study other wound covers, as well as to model physiological processes when putting artificial skin and wound covers

Author Biography

Arsen Savchuk, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Postgraduate Student

Department of Biomedical Engineering


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How to Cite

Savchuk, A. (2021). Development of a model of electric impedance in the contact between the skin and a capacitive active electrode when measuring electrocardiogram in combustiology . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(5 (110), 32–38.



Applied physics