Selecting photoplethysmogram indicators to monitor adaptation status of a person at magnetic-laser therapy




photoplethysmogram, magnetic-laser therapy, pulse wave, wave analysis, adaptation status


Magnetic-laser therapy is widely used by doctors for treating many diseases, but there is no single method of evaluating the effectiveness of selected parameters of therapy. A literature review on the presence of similar studies was conducted in the paper, and it was found that photoplethysmographic signal was widely considered, but it had no connection to magnetic-laser therapy. The purpose of this research was to argue the use of photoplethysmography to monitor the adaptation state of the human body.

The photoplethysmographic signal parameters were analyzed, and the selection of appropriate parameters to determine the adaptation status of the person was argued. The appropriateness of using qualitative and wave analysis of photoplethysmogram was proved.

These developments will enable doctors to conduct magnetic-laser procedures without harmful effects by monitoring the human state in real time

Author Biographies

Григорій Семенович Тимчик, National technical university of Ukraine of "KPI" Kiev. Peremogy p-t, 37

Dr.Sci.Tech. professor, dean of Instrument-making faculty

Department of Production of devices

Олександр Васильович Осадчий, National technical university of Ukraine of "KPI" Kiev. P-t Peremogy, 37


Department of Production of devices

Марина В’ячеславівна Філіпова, National technical university of Ukraine of "KPI" Kiev. P-t Peremogy, 37

Cand.Tech.Sci. associate professor, deputy dean of Instrument-making faculty

Department of Production of devices

Альона Сергіївна Пономаренко, National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" Kiev. P-t Peremogy, 37

Instrument- student faculty

Анна Василівна Стецька, National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" Kiev. P-t Peremogy, 37

Instrument- student faculty


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How to Cite

Тимчик, Г. С., Осадчий, О. В., Філіпова, М. В., Пономаренко, А. С., & Стецька, А. В. (2014). Selecting photoplethysmogram indicators to monitor adaptation status of a person at magnetic-laser therapy. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(9(68), 14–18.



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