Development of expert system prototype for flexible reorientation women’s outerwear production


  • Світлана Ігорівна Шаповалова National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” 6, Politechnicheskaya Str., Kiev-56, bldg. 5, Ukraine
  • Ольга Олександрівна Мажара National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” 6, Politechnicheskaya Str., Kiev-56, bldg. 5, Ukraine



transformation chain, expert system, flexible reorientation, production model, knowledge base


The garment industry quickly becomes a highly developed branch due to the rapid development of technologies that contribute to high-quality design, cutting, manufacture. However, some design stages have not yet been formalized. For solving unformalized tasks, the expert systems are used. The research deals with developing the expert system prototype for rapid reorientation of women’s outerwear production. To form a subject environment, the textual method is used. Factor and cluster analyses are used to structure the subject environment. Thus, the main objective of the study is achieved by forming twelve individual tasks according to the number of individual groups, allocated in the subject environment of rapid reorientation of women’s outerwear production. Selection rules of transformation chain and values of additions at the level of chest, waist and hips are formed in tables. In each table, results are obtained at the intersection of several conditions.

The expert system prototype for flexible reorientation of women’s outerwear production is designed by using the empty expert system “Rapana”. The expert system prototype implements a dialogue with the user as a series of questions and answers of the user. Some answers can have a degree of confidence. The user can revise the way of decision-making after obtaining the results. Thus, necessary conditions for further development of artificial intelligence methods in the garment production design training management and for reducing risks of wrong decision-making in conditions of rapid change in project situations are created

Author Biographies

Світлана Ігорівна Шаповалова, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” 6, Politechnicheskaya Str., Kiev-56, bldg. 5


Department of Computer-aided Design of power processes and systems

Ольга Олександрівна Мажара, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” 6, Politechnicheskaya Str., Kiev-56, bldg. 5

PhD student

Department of Computer-aided Design of power processes and systems


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  53. Liu, D., Gu, T., Xue, J. (2010). Rule Engine based on improvement Rete algorithm. Apperceiving Computing and Intelligence Analysis. IEEE Computer Society Press. Chengdu, 346–349.
  54. Sellis, T., Lin, C. C., Raschid, L. (1988). Implementing large production systems in a DBMS environment: concepts and algorithms. ACM Press. New York, 404–423.
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How to Cite

Шаповалова, С. І., & Мажара, О. О. (2014). Development of expert system prototype for flexible reorientation women’s outerwear production. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(2(68), 43–49.