Development of the survivability indicators forecasting method of the special-purpose system executive element based on analytical and stochastic simulation of a conflict situation




forecasting method, survivability indicators, system efficiency, analytical-stochastic simulation, conflict situation


The developed method for forecasting the survivability indicators of the executive element of a special-purpose system based on analytical-stochastic simulation of a conflict situation is presented. The purpose of the method was to solve the problem of preserving and rational use of the resource of the executive elements to achieve the desired effect of the functioning of special-purpose systems.

The method is sensitive to the description of the patterns of changes in the survivability and efficiency indicators of the system. It is supposed to compare the predicted value of the survivability indicator with its criterion value and forecast the time when the system loses the ability to effectively perform tasks.

The survivability indicator is the mathematical expectation of the number of executive elements of a special-purpose system, which retained their ability to perform tasks as intended during a conflict situation.

Based on the results of the study, the values of the time characteristics of a conflict situation were obtained, in particular, the duration of the corresponding states of the executive element: preparation, waiting, implementation.

Graph-analytical simulation provides a solution to the problem of forecasting the time when the loss of executive elements leads to the system’s inability to effectively perform tasks.

Checking of the adequacy of the method showed that the confidence interval of the discrepancy between the calculation results of other methods with a confidence level of 0.9 does not exceed 0.095, and no contradictions between the methods were found. The proposed method provides an increase in the efficiency of determining the corresponding indicators within 8–11 % and reliability by 22 %. The possibility to determine the required reserve and the time for introducing executive elements into the system can provide a justification for how they are used to maintain the required level of efficiency of a special-purpose system.

Author Biographies

Spartak Hohoniants, National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

PhD, Senior Researcher

Scientific Department of Advanced Distributed Learning

Dmytro Chopa, National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

PhD, Senior Researcher

Simulation Center

Oleksii Kilmeninov, National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

PhD, Head of Research Laboratory

Anatolii Loishyn, National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Economics and Financial Support

Kostyantin Нorbachov, National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi



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How to Cite

Hohoniants, S., Chopa, D., Kilmeninov, O., Loishyn, A., & Нorbachov K. (2021). Development of the survivability indicators forecasting method of the special-purpose system executive element based on analytical and stochastic simulation of a conflict situation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(4 (111), 14–23.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects