Research of hydrodynamic conditions of entrance in channels of process equipment
motion equation solution, conditions of entrance in hydrodynamic initial sectionAbstract
The obtained solutions of the equations of unstabilized flow of viscous fluid allow to take into account the influence of the hydrodynamic conditions of the channel entrance on developing the velocity field on the initial section. Research of equations in dimensionless form has expanded the physical understanding of hydrodynamic features of these flows and allowed to assess the validity of assumptions and suppositions that are used in approximate solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations.
The results of solutions are consistent with the known theoretical studies for the case of uniform velocity distribution at the entrance to the initial section (at n1=∞) and make existing adjustments to conventional calculated dependencies on determining the length of this section if the velocity profile differs from the rectangular. Thus, at n1=1,7 specifications reach 85 %. Correction factors, included in the expressions for determining the length of the initial section reflect the impact of reconstructing the velocity profile during the flow.
Analytically and experimentally obtained calculated dependencies have served as the basis for developing a methodology of hydrodynamic calculation of channels and working bodies of technological equipment.
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