Monitoring system of electricity quality in decentralized electricity supply systems
electricity quality, orthogonal wavelet transforms, decentralized electricity supply systems, distributed energy sourcesAbstract
Considering the ever-growing demand for electricity, there is a need to introduce new generating facilities - distributed energy sources. This in turn leads to the transformation of the centralized electricity supply system - electricity flow goes from the center to the consumer, into an active decentralized system, characterized by new energy and information flows.
All this points to the need for a new information infrastructure, which should contain a monitoring system of electricity supply mode parameters. Herewith, it is necessary to note the following. Taking into account technical characteristics of new energy sources (their instability), electricity quality is one of the most significant factors that affect the efficiency of both electrical systems, and consumers.
Using existing methods for determining the presence of electricity quality distortion is not acceptable for building real-time monitoring system, based on them. An approach to building real-time monitoring system of electricity quality, which lies in constructing a spatial-temporal distribution of the information signal and the subsequent orthogonal analysis of frequency-temporal changes in its spectral components is presented. Introducing a generalized factor for determining the presence of electricity quality distortion has allowed to carry out its real-time monitoring.References
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