Study on chemical control indicators for circulating cooling systems water chemistry at power plants




stability indices, chemical control, water chemistry, circulating cooling system, deposition rate


An analysis of applied stability indices, used for water chemistry control of circulating cooling systems at TPP and NPP is given in the paper.

The spectrum of controlled indicators of circulating and make-up water during long-term operation of various water chemistries on scale models of circulating cooling systems at TPP and NPP is investigated.

The results of chemical control of water chemistry with dosing mineral acid to make-up water and acrylic water chemistry without dosing mineral acid of the circulating cooling system at the Rivne NPP are given.

Estimated efficiency control of water chemistry was performed by the thickness of deposits on the heat exchange surface of condensers and intensity of corrosion on control samples.

It is shown that at a given evaporation rate of circulating water and quality of make-up water, and different doses of acrylic inhibitor, the studied controlled parameters of water chemistry of the system remained without any visible changes.

Thus, the values of the empirical stability indices and their changes in time cannot be used to estimate the amount and rate of CaCO3 precipitation from solution, and moreover the deposition rate on heat exchange surfaces, which is often used in practice.

Author Biographies

Виктор Афанасьевич Кишневский, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.16, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044


Department of water and fuel technologies

Вадим Валентинович Чиченин, Odessa National Politechnic university Shevchenko av.1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Assistant Professor

Department of water and fuel technologies


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How to Cite

Кишневский, В. А., & Чиченин, В. В. (2014). Study on chemical control indicators for circulating cooling systems water chemistry at power plants. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(8(70), 57–62.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment