Analysis of the structure of web resources using the object model




web resource, DOM tree, tree editing distance, similarity in structure and style


The methodology for analyzing the structure of a web resource using an object model, which is based on the description of the page in HTML and using style sheets, has been proposed. The object of research is a web resource page, the model of which is depicted as a DOM tree. Data on the structural elements of the tree are supplemented with information about the styles of the design of the pages. To determine the similarity of pages, it is proposed to apply a criterion that takes into account the structural and stylistic similarity of pages with the corresponding coefficients. To compare page models with each other, the method of aligning trees will be used. Editing distance is used as a metric, and renaming operations, deleting, and adding a tree node is used as editing operations. To determine the similarity in styles, the Jaccard metric is used. To cluster web pages, the k-means method with a cosine distance measure is applied. Intracluster analysis is carried out using a modification of the Zhang-Shasha algorithm. The proposed approach is implemented in the form of an algorithm and software using Python programming language and related libraries. The computational experiment was performed to analyze the structure of individual websites existing on the Internet, as well as to group pages from different web resources. The structure of the formed clusters was analyzed, the RMS similarity of elements in the middle of the clusters was calculated. To assess the quality of the developed approach for the tasks under consideration, expert partitioning was built, the values of accuracy and completeness metrics were calculated. The results of the analysis of the structure of the web resource can be used to improve the structure of the components of the web resource, to understand the navigation of users on the site, to reengineer the web resource

Author Biographies

Stanyslav Dykhanov, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Postgraduate Student

Department of Computer Technology

Natalia Guk, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Computer Technology


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Analysis of the structure of web resources using the object model




How to Cite

Dykhanov, S., & Guk, N. (2022). Analysis of the structure of web resources using the object model. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(2(119), 6–13.