Development of ways to saving energy when operating winding machines
textile industry, energy saving, winding machine, productivity machine, bobbin changer apparatusAbstract
Energy efficiency or energy saving is the practical implementation of scientific, technical, economic and industrial measures aimed at the efficient use of energy resources. Therefore, one of the challenges facing the textile industry is energy saving in technological processes in the production of products. To solve this problem, it is proposed to introduce into production advanced technological processes with low energy costs, the use of technological equipment equipped with electric motors with high rates of consumed electrical energy. This problem is also inherent in winders and similar machines equipped with a bobbin changer.
Since most of the time of operation of these devices is wasted and, accordingly, electricity is also wasted. However, to date, these issues have not been given due attention, and studies on this subject have not been conducted. In this work, the operation of the apparatus for changing bobbins in winding and similar machines has been studied in order to reduce power consumption.
As a result of the study, a mathematical model of the relationship between the operating mode and technological parameters of machines and apparatuses was obtained, which makes it possible to identify ways to eliminate shortcomings in their work.
Discontinuous, on signal and sectional methods of operation of the apparatus for changing bobbins have been developed, which make it possible to reduce power consumption on winding machines by 2.8–4.2 times compared to the existing method of operation. And the autonomous method of operation of the device, proposed in the work, completely eliminates the consumption of electricity consumed by the device for changing bobbins. The results of the study can be used in spinning and weaving mills.
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