Increasing data transmission quality indicators under the influence of the "information aging"
information aging, timer signal designs, bit-numeric codes, transmission system, decision feedbackAbstract
The influence of information “aging” on selecting information transmission methods with a given reception quality is considered. The main disadvantages of data transmission systems with information "aging", using bit-digital encoding, which are caused by a necessary code combination length limitation with a given (desired) communication quality are analyzed.
It is shown that similar contradictions in terms of the Shannon's fundamental coding theorem are also typical for data transmission systems with feedback (FB).
New, more effective transmission methods, ensuring both required transmission quality and transmission of large amounts of information in a given time interval are proposed. Using timer encoding in transmission systems reduces information delivery time by two times compared with BDC.
It is theoretically proved that using the timer signal designs (TSD) when selecting the coding method and signal type allows to increase the capacity of many allowed signal designs and the number of code combination realizations in the interval of elements by hundreds of times. This in turn allows to change information transmission probability for rate, i.e. transmit more data (code words) in less time.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Николай Васильевич Захарченко, Матин Магсуд-оглы Гаджиев, Владимир Викторович Корчинский, Александр Николаевич Рябуха
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