Dual fuzzy logic PID controller based regulating of dc motor speed control with optimization using Harmony Search algorithm
PID controller, dc motor, dual fuzzy logic controller, sliding mode control, optimizationAbstract
This paper discusses the implementation of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller for regulating the speed of a closed loop four quadrant chopper fed DC motor. The PID controller is combined with a Dual Fuzzy Logic Controller to form a DFPID controller for enhancing the performance of speed control of the DC motor. The DFLC is optimized using a metaheuristic algorithm known as Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA). The major aim of this research is to gain an effective control over the speed of the motor in the closed loop environment. For achieving this, the parameters for the DFPID are selected through time domain analysis which aims to satisfy the requisites such as settling time and peak overshoot. Initially, the fuzzy logic controller in the DFPID controls the coefficients of the PID achievement gain an effective control over the system error and rate of error change. Further, the DFPID is improved by the HAS for obtaining a precise correction. The solutions obtained by tuning the DFPID controller are evaluated from simulation analysis conducted on a MATLAB/SIMULINK platform. The closed loop performance is analyzed in both time and frequency domain analysis and the performance of DFPID is optimized using the HSA algorithm to obtain precise value of the control process. As observed from the Simulation analysis, the DFPID-HSA generates optimized control signals to the DC motor for controlling the speed. The performance of the intended speed control approach is analyzed in terms of different evaluation metrics such as motor speed, torque and armature current. Experimental outcomes show that the proposed approach achieves better control performance and faster speed of DC motor compared to conventional PID controllers and SMC controllers
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