Power supply via fiber-optical conductor for sensors of mine working monitoring system
power source, optical fiber, photovoltaics, photoelectric effect, light wave, energy transferAbstract
The article describes a system of power transmission via fiber-optic cable, which allows the supply of power to sensors and other electronic devices of ultra-low power located in places of mining workings, for which the mandatory requirement is fire safety. The developed system will allow to replace the application of copper conductors. The result of this research is the developed laboratory bench that allows measuring the current and voltage parameters in the photodetector branch. The equivalent generator method has been used, as well as the known circuit laws with two dedicated nodes for an active two-terminal network. When analyzing the literature, the existing scientific achievements, and discoveries in the field of research, an own concept of research has been formed that is different from foreign analogs. During the experiment, the studies have been performed when the photodetector was in the short circuit, idle mode, and connected to a high-resistance load. Based on the results obtained, current-voltage characteristics (CVC) and histograms have been built using a radiation source (laser) with a power of 10 and 30 mW. The parameters and technical characteristics of the irradiated silicon crystal and the radiation source have been given. The obtained electrical power has been determined using the known laws of electrical engineering, including the Ohm law. To process the experimental data, there has been used quadratic interpolation of the function, the results of the root-mean-square approximation, and there has been carried out the regression analysis. Absolute and relative errors have been calculated. The Student coefficient has been determined with a confidence interval of 0.95. Based on the results of the study, the efficiency of the power transmission system has been determined
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