Determining the possibility of using cold plasma for the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen oxides and the influence of activating substances on the process




molecular nitrogen, direct oxidation, cold plasma, nitrogen oxides, nitric acid, plasma torch, activator substance, hydrogen peroxide


The process of oxidation of molecular nitrogen by high-energy oxidants, such as nitric acid vapor, products of the thermolysis of nitric acid, and hydrogen peroxide, in a cold plasma stream was studied. To implement the process of obtaining nitric acid from atmospheric air using reproductive technology (Zakharov's method), the design of a reactor for obtaining nitrogen oxides by direct oxidation of nitrogen in a cold plasma stream is proposed. At the same time, it was proposed to use the effect of obtaining nitrogen oxides in an air mixture with nitric acid vapors (the Karavaev effect) and during the thermal decomposition of hydrogen peroxide with atmospheric nitrogen (the Nagiev effect). The effectiveness of the use of cold plasma for the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen was established, which is confirmed by the obtained dependences. It is shown that the amount of nitrogen oxides that are formed depends on the efficiency of the formation of a stable flow of OH- radicals in the plasma flow. It was also found that the amount of nitrogen oxides depends on the parameters of the plasma generator, the composition of the liquid used in the burner, and the amount of air supplied.

The effect of nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohols as activators of atmospheric nitrogen oxidation in a high-energy field was revealed. It was determined that when comparing three activator substances, which are able to form OH- radicals during their decomposition, it is hydrogen peroxide that is the most promising activator substance for carrying out the process of atmospheric nitrogen oxidation in the plasma flow.

The amount of nitrogen oxides formed in the cold plasma region is almost independent of the flow rate of the reaction mixture through the reactor and remains almost unchanged in a wide range of changes in flow rates from 30 to 3000 l/h

Author Biographies

Viktor Slobodyanyuk, PrJSC "PlasmaTec"


Andrii Kuzmenko, PrJSC "PlasmaTec"

Deputy General Director for Chemical Direction

Serhii Kudriavtsev, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering and Ecology

Olexii Tselishchev, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering and Ecology

Maryna Loriia, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Computer-Integrated Control Systems


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Determining the possibility of using cold plasma for the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen oxides and the influence of activating substances on the process




How to Cite

Slobodyanyuk, V., Kuzmenko, A., Kudriavtsev, S., Tselishchev, O., & Loriia, M. (2023). Determining the possibility of using cold plasma for the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen oxides and the influence of activating substances on the process. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(6 (126), 80–87.



Technology organic and inorganic substances