Assessing the deposition of heavy metals in edaphotopes and synantrophy vegetation under the conditions of technological pollution of the city
heavy metals, deposition, Polygonum aviculare L., urban edaphotopes, synanthropic plants, phyto indicationAbstract
The object of this study is a regional center with a developed industry and a significant traffic load. The study provides an assessment of the impact of the urbanization process on the conditions of development of urban edaphotopes and their role in the functioning of urban ecosystems. It was determined that the geochemistry of the soils of urban ecosystems is significantly different from natural landscapes, which is due to the symbiosis of natural and anthropogenic factors. The content of mobile forms of heavy metals in the soil of 14 localities of different functional zones within the city was investigated. A comparative assessment of the spatial heterogeneity of the content of heavy metals in the vegetative organs (root, shoot) of the diagnostic species Polygonum aviculare L. was performed. Based on the sources of emission of heavy metals and the formed geochemical anomalies, a direct dependence was established on their accumulation by the vegetative organs of Polygonum aviculare L. According to the calculated biological absorption coefficient (BAC), high bioavailability for the accumulation of man-made toxicants Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd by the phytomass of Polygonum aviculare L. was proven. It was determined that the content of heavy metals in different parts of the test object is due to their physiological ability to accumulate these toxicants in the root and above ground mass. Active translocation of toxicants from the soil to the roots is characteristic of localities with intense influence of man-made factors, for which the value of the bioavailability coefficient varies within 0.6>BAC<0.85. Correlation coefficients between the content of heavy metals in the atmosphere, soil, and vegetative organs of the plant were determined. The research allows us to evaluate the prospects for using Polygonum aviculare L. as a cumulative indicator of metal pollution in urban technogenic ecosystems and their high phytoremediation value under conditions of environmental pollution with heavy metals
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