Development of a solution search method using a combined bio-inspired algorithm




optimization, complex technical systems, sparrow search algorithm, wolf optimization algorithm


The object of the study is decision support systems. The subject of the study is the decision-making process in management problems using a combined bio-inspired algorithm, consisting of:

– the improved wolf optimization algorithm and the improved sparrow search algorithm – for solving optimization problems regarding the object state;

– an advanced genetic algorithm – for selecting the best agents in flocks;

– an advanced training method – for deep training of agents to improve the optimization characteristics of agents.

A solution search method using an improved bio-inspired algorithm is proposed. The method has the following sequence of actions:

– input of initial data;

– initialization of the search for a flock of sparrows and its parameters;

– ranking and selection of sparrow agents using an advanced genetic algorithm;

– updating the sparrow location for the discoverer;

– checking the conditions for updating the position of sparrows;

– initialization of additional search parameters;

− running the gray wolf optimization algorithm;

– training agents’ knowledge bases;

– determining the amount of necessary computing resources of the intelligent decision support system.

The originality of the proposed method lies in the combined use of bio-inspired algorithms, setting agents taking into account the uncertainty of the initial data, advanced global and local search procedures. The method makes it possible to increase the efficiency of data processing at the level of 19 % using additional improved procedures. The proposed method should be used to solve the problems of evaluating complex and dynamic processes in the interest of solving national security problems

Author Biographies

Khudhair Abed Thamer, Al-Maarif University College

PhD, Assosiate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Computer Engineering

Oleg Sova, The National University of Defense of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Head of Scientific Center

Scientific Center for Building Integrity and Preventing Corruption in the Security and Defense Sector

Olena Shaposhnikova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Systems

Volodymyr Yashchenok, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Design and Durability of Aircraft and Engines

Iraida Stanovska, Odesа Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Advanced Mathematics and Systems Modelling

Serhii Shostak, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics

Oleksandr Rudenko, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems

Serhii Petruk, Central Scientifically-Research Institute of Armaments and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

PhD, Senior Researcher, Deputy Head of Scientifically-Research Department

Olha Matsyi, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Department of Artificial Intelligence and Software

Svitlana Kashkevich, National Aviation University

Seniour Lecturer

Department of Computerized Control Systems


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Development of a solution search method using a combined bio-inspired algorithm




How to Cite

Thamer, K. A., Sova, O., Shaposhnikova, O., Yashchenok, V., Stanovska, I., Shostak, S., Rudenko, O., Petruk, S., Matsyi, O., & Kashkevich, S. (2024). Development of a solution search method using a combined bio-inspired algorithm. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(4 (127), 6–13.



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