Comparison of solutions to the task of IT product configuration items early identification using hierarchical clusterization methods




information system, configuration item, hierarchical clustering, Chameleon method, Chebyshev distance


The object of this study is the IT project configuration management process.

During the research, the problem of early identification of configuration items (CI) in the information system (IS) of enterprise management was solved. Research in this field is mainly aimed at solving the task of early identification of services and microservices during the refactoring of software systems. The issue of the application of artificial intelligence methods for the detection of CI has not been sufficiently investigated.

During the study, the Chameleon hierarchical clustering method was adapted to solve the problem of early identification of CI IS. This method takes into account both the internal similarity and the connectivity of individual functions of the studied IS.

The adapted Chameleon method was used when solving the task of early identification of CI in the functional task "Formation and maintenance of an individual plan of a scientific and pedagogical employee of the department". 10 functions and 12 essences of the problem database were considered as the initial CIs. The result of the solution is a dendrogram with all possible options for decomposition of the description of the task architecture into individual CIs.

Based on the results, a comparative analysis of the use of Chameleon, DIANA, and AGNES methods for solving the problem of early identification was carried out. According to the criteria "Number of vertices of the dendrogram", "Number of levels of decomposition of the dendrogram", and "Evenness of filling the elements of the dendrogram", the results from using the Chameleon method are the best.

Using the research results allows automating the procedure of forming backlogs of IT project implementation teams. This makes it possible to improve the quality of IS development by assigning IS containing similar functions to the same IT project executor

Author Biographies

Maksym Ievlanov, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Information Control System

Nataliya Vasiltcova, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Information Control System

Iryna Panforova, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Information Control System

Borys Moroz, Dnipro University of Technology

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Software Engineering

Andrii Martynenko, Dnipro University of Technology


Department of Software Engineering

Dmytro Moroz, Dnipro University of Technology


Department of Software Engineering


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Comparison of solutions to the task of IT product configuration items early identification using hierarchical clusterization methods




How to Cite

Ievlanov, M., Vasiltcova, N., Panforova, I., Moroz, B., Martynenko, A., & Moroz, D. (2024). Comparison of solutions to the task of IT product configuration items early identification using hierarchical clusterization methods. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2 (129), 20–33.