Identifying the influence of traffic management on vehicle emissions and the distribution of air dispersion in the Makassar port area




Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen oxide (NОx), AERMOD, traffic management, air dispersion


Air pollution in several cities in Indonesia has been increasing significantly over the years. One of the primary triggers is the rise in motor vehicle activity. This increase is due to the improving economic conditions and the decreasing prices of motor vehicles. Vehicles produce various types of pollutants. The pollutants contained in vehicle exhaust gas are carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur (SOx) and dust (PM).

One of the busiest areas for motorized vehicle activity is the Makassar Port Area, which is the largest port in Eastern Indonesia. This area experiences high vehicle activity. The emissions reviewed in this research are CO (carbon monoxide) and NOX (nitrogen oxide) in the Makassar Port Area which is located on Jalan Nusantara, Jalan Sulawesi, Jalan Siswa Army, Dr. Wahidin Jalan Sudirohusodo, Jalan Sangir, Jalan Kalimantan, Jalan Sarappo, Jalan Banda, and Jalan Butung.

This research utilizes historical data on traffic volume, wind speed and direction, air humidity, air temperature, air pressure, solar radiation, cloud cover and surface height. Air dispersion analysis was carried out using AERMOD software. The highest emissions obtained were 67,121 μg/m3 for CO and 9,570 μg/m3 for NOx under existing conditions and after implementing traffic management measures, the highest emissions were reduced to 45,737 μg/m3 for CO and 7,217 μg/m3 for NOx. These results conclude that traffic management can reduce air pollution. Air dispersion is not only influenced by vehicle volume but also meteorological factors. This can be seen in the dispersion results. Where, the conditions before and after traffic management showed differences in terms of the distribution of air dispersion

Supporting Agency

  • The writer says to accept love as big as possible to Dr. Ir. M. Zainul Arifin, MT, and Dr. Fauzul Rizal Sutikno for their guidance during the research. Apart from that, the author also said: to accept love from parents, siblings, and friends for attention, encouragement, as well prayer so the writer can complete the writing process of this article.

Author Biographies

Ariati Ariati, Brawijaya University

Master’s Student in Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Muhammad Zainul Arifin, Brawijaya University

Doctor of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Fauzul Rizal Sutikno, Brawijaya University

Doctor of Urban Regional and Planning

Departmen Urban Regional and Planning

Hendi Bowoputro, Brawijaya University

Master of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Muh Miftahulkhair, Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Master of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering


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Identifying the influence of traffic management on vehicle emissions and the distribution of air dispersion in the Makassar port area




How to Cite

Ariati, A., Arifin, M. Z., Sutikno, F. R., Bowoputro, H., & Miftahulkhair, M. (2024). Identifying the influence of traffic management on vehicle emissions and the distribution of air dispersion in the Makassar port area. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(10 (129), 84–91.