Devising a calculation method for modern structures of current-conducting elements in large electric machines in a three-dimensional statement




hydraulic generator, rotor, pole-to-pole connection, pole-to-pole jumper, ventilation system of hydraulic generator, cooling conditions, stressed-strained state, three-dimensional calculation, strength of rotating parts


The jumpers of rotor pole-to-pole connections are highly stressed elements in a hydraulic generator structure. These assemblies often fail due to deformation that exceeds the size of an air gap. Existing methods do not take into account the thermal component and attempts to improve the design are not based on mathematical models that make it possible to perform calculations with an accuracy of more than 50 %. The method devised in this work makes it possible to obtain boundary conditions of the third kind on the basis of three-dimensional mathematical modeling of the ventilation system of the hydraulic unit without simplifications. The method accuracy is explained by taking into account the spatial thermal component. The heat transfer coefficient determined by this method in the pole-to-pole connections area was ~250 W/(m2·K). Using FEM, mathematical modeling of the thermal stress state of pole-to-pole connections was carried out, taking into account mechanical and thermal factors. This made it possible to design the improved connection structure with additional fastening elements, which make it possible to reduce the displacement to 0.03 mm, and the stress to 53 MPa at the rotor rotation frequency of 880 rpm. This design makes it possible to enable reliable operation of the hydraulic unit under the condition of increasing the rotor rotation frequency to overspeed with disconnected combinatorial dependence, provided that the actual stresses are 0.95 % of the material yield strength. The convergence of the values obtained by the proposed method and by the HSS method exceeded 99 %. The practical result is the proposals for the hydraulic generator design modernization

Author Biographies

Oleksii Tretiak, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Aerohydrodynamics

Serhii Smyk, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University


Department of Scientific Center Air Force

Stanislav Kravchenko, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

PhD Student

Department of Aerohydrodynamics

Serhii Smakhtin, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

PhD Student

Department of Aerohydrodynamics

Dmytro Brega, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Aerohydrodynamics

Anton Zhukov, "Kharkiv Electric Machine-Building Plant" LLC

PhD Student

Serhii Serhiienko, "Kharkiv Electric Machine-Building Plant" LLC

PhD Student

Yevhen Don, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University


Department of Cars named after A.B. Gredeskula


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Devising a calculation method for modern structures of current-conducting elements in large electric machines in a three-dimensional statement




How to Cite

Tretiak, O., Smyk, S., Kravchenko, S., Smakhtin, S., Brega, D., Zhukov, A., Serhiienko, S., & Don, Y. (2024). Devising a calculation method for modern structures of current-conducting elements in large electric machines in a three-dimensional statement. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(1 (130), 87–96.



Engineering technological systems