Development of a fuzzy logic-based model for assessing the reliability of relay protection systems




RPA, SIPROTEC, SIEMENS, JSC, LCD, Fuzzy logic, Mamdani model


This article presents a reliability assessment model for relay protection devices using fuzzy logic. It introduces an algorithm for simulating these devices, employing the Mamdani model with an "if-then" rule base. Inputs include the percentage of correct operation and the frequency of correct and incorrect operations. Implemented in Matlab with 21 rules, the fuzzy logic model uses triangular membership functions for input and output variables, with defuzzification via the center of gravity method. The model was tested using statistical data from SIEMENS SIPROTEC terminals, specifically distance protection and differential protection devices for transformers and autotransformers. The assessment considers operation frequencies for 1 to 3 devices, combining statistical and simulation data for a comprehensive analysis. Results show that including operation frequencies improves evaluation accuracy. The proposed model not only assesses current reliability but also predicts future behavior, aiding in the planning and optimization of relay protection systems. This model is valuable for professionals in generating companies, grid organizations, and operational dispatch control entities, helping them analyze relay protection performance and develop strategies to ensure reliable operation.

The research focuses on the reliability of relay protection devices in power systems, addressing the need for a more accurate and comprehensive evaluation method. Traditional methods may not fully account for the complexities in modern microprocessor-based protections. This study aims to enhance reliability assessments through a model that integrates statistical data and simulation techniques, ultimately supporting better planning and optimization of relay protection systems

Author Biographies

Aigul Uakhitova, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of Power Supply

Gulmira Yerbolkyzy, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University

Master of Technical Sciences

Department of Power Supply

Galina Tatkeyeva, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Department of Power Supply


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Development of a fuzzy logic-based model for assessing the reliability of relay protection systems




How to Cite

Uakhitova, A., Yerbolkyzy, G., & Tatkeyeva, G. (2024). Development of a fuzzy logic-based model for assessing the reliability of relay protection systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(2 (130), 67–77.