Assessing the potential accuracy of a small-sized goniometer with extended dynamic range based on nuclear magnetic resonance




goniometer, nuclear magnetic resonance, gas cell, optical pumping, Helmholtz coil, Larmor frequency


This paper evaluates potential accuracy characteristics of a small-sized goniometer based on nuclear magnetic resonance with an extended dynamic range. This required constructing a model of goniometer errors, estimating its accuracy based on this model, and formulating practical recommendations for the design of such a device based on the accuracy assessment.

To evaluate the accuracy of a nuclear goniometer, a theoretical model was built  that makes it possible to determine the optimal operating parameters of the cell gas mixture, the ranges of their permissible changes, the sensitivity of the goniometer, and the dependence of its characteristics on external and internal factors. In particular, the dependence of output signal of the device on the parameters of gas mixture and optical pumping has been determined. For a goniometer with a cell volume of 8 cm3, the optimum temperature is 130 °C, and the optimum intensity of the pumping radiation is 5 mW.

The dependence of output signal on the measured angle of rotation was also established, as well as the noise and error dependence of the device on the permissible values of its parameters. Based on the model built, parameters of a goniometer with a cell volume of 8 cm3 were determined; the maximum angular sensitivity of such a goniometer with complete suppression of technical noise is δφsen=1.0 arcsec. The greatest contribution to the angle measurement error is from the instability of pumping power Ip (ΔIp/Ip=0.05) – 85 %, magnetic field B0 (ΔB0/B0=10-8) – 13 %, temperature T (ΔT/T=0,1) – 2 %.

The goniometer under consideration corresponds to the medium accuracy class, δφtot≥10 arcsec. It could be used in optical manufacturing for operational control, calibration, and certification of optical products. To improve the angular accuracy of the goniometer, it is necessary to increase the stability of the laser pumping intensity

Author Biography

Sergiy Ivanov, State University of Information and Communication Technologies

PhD, Professor

Department of Robotics and Technical Systems

Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunications


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Assessing the potential accuracy of a small-sized goniometer with extended dynamic range based on nuclear magnetic resonance




How to Cite

Ivanov, S. (2024). Assessing the potential accuracy of a small-sized goniometer with extended dynamic range based on nuclear magnetic resonance. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(5 (131), 13–25.



Applied physics