Development of throttle selector of significantly different pressures for gas-dynamic tools




throttling scheme, linear pressure change, pressure and flow dividing valve, capillary


The results of the study of the developed scheme of the selector of significantly different pressures, based on combining flow and pressure dividing valves with flow summarizing valve, allowing a proportional increase of all interthrottle pressures of the scheme are presented in the paper. The mathematical models that provide a choice of optimal parameters of the scheme elements and the study of the effect of the influence factors on the operation quality of the throttle selector scheme are obtained. These models are a system of n nonlinear algebraic equations that can be solved by known numerical methods.

Using pressure reproduction tools, based on the developed scheme is especially relevant for gas-dynamic synthesizers of mixtures with a given composition with microconcentrations of components. Due to providing a linear change of interthrottle pressures in the scheme and applying gas-dynamic synthesizer of linear metering capillaries in the mixer, there is the prospect of obtaining complex multicomponent mixtures with microconcentrations of components with higher concentration maintaining accuracy than in the known tools for the continuous preparation of mixtures with given composition.

Author Biographies

Ігор Володимирович Ділай, Lviv Polytechnic University 12 Bandera street, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

Кандидат технічних наук

Кафедра автоматизації теплових і хімічних процесів

Зеновій Миколайович Теплюх, Lviv Polytechnic University 12 Bandera street, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013


Department of Automation of Heat and Chemical Processes


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How to Cite

Ділай, І. В., & Теплюх, З. М. (2014). Development of throttle selector of significantly different pressures for gas-dynamic tools. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(7(72), 28–33.



Applied mechanics