Mathematical model of unsteady diffusion in anisotropic solids


  • Виталий Викторович Гончаров Institute of Chemical Technologies of Vladimir Dal’s East-Ukrainian National University (m. Rubizhne) street Lenina 31, Rubizhne, Luhansk region., Ukraine , 93009, Ukraine
  • Маргарита Васильевна Ненько Institute of Chemical Technologies of Vladimir Dal’s East-Ukrainian National University (m. Rubizhne) street Lenina 31, Rubizhne, Luhansk region., Ukraine , 93009, Ukraine



Diffusion coefficient, anisotropic extraction, concentration


This article describes the development of a mathematical model of solid-phase extraction. The problem is formulated based on the concepts of rate-limiting role in this process, the diffusion mechanism of transfer target components in the anisotropic capillary-porous solids, taking into account the nonlinear dependence of rate on concentration

Author Biographies

Виталий Викторович Гончаров, Institute of Chemical Technologies of Vladimir Dal’s East-Ukrainian National University (m. Rubizhne) street Lenina 31, Rubizhne, Luhansk region., Ukraine , 93009

Assistant Professor

Department of General Physics and Technical Mechanics


Маргарита Васильевна Ненько, Institute of Chemical Technologies of Vladimir Dal’s East-Ukrainian National University (m. Rubizhne) street Lenina 31, Rubizhne, Luhansk region., Ukraine , 93009

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Machines and apparatuses of chemical manufactures



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How to Cite

Гончаров, В. В., & Ненько, М. В. (2012). Mathematical model of unsteady diffusion in anisotropic solids. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(13(56), 41–44.



Materials Science