Determination of dependences for eigen frequencies of resonator


  • Николай Петрович Кунденко Kharkov State Technical University of Agriculture them. P Vasilenko str. Artem, 44, Kharkov 61002, Ukraine



resonator, frequency of oscillation, quality factor, spectrum, object, source.


The rigorous methods of disk dielectric resonators have not been realized. The main reason is that the natural oscillations of the resonator should be considered in an unlimited region and should satisfy the radiation condition at the infinity. The “whispering gallery” HEnml oscillations were studied for various values of the azimuth index n . The attention was focused on the dependence of the resonance frequencies and radiation quality factors from the change of resonator thickness. Using the characteristic equation, an approximate formula, relating the resonance frequency with geometric and electrodynamic parameters of the resonator, was obtained. It was determined that the resonance frequencies, at which the tangential components of the electric field are close to zero on the side surface of the resonator, correspond to the values of the resonator thickness, at which a maximum radiation quality factor is observed.

Author Biography

Николай Петрович Кунденко, Kharkov State Technical University of Agriculture them. P Vasilenko str. Artem, 44, Kharkov 61002

Candidate of technical sciences

Dept. Integrovannye electrotechnology and processes


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How to Cite

Кунденко, Н. П. (2012). Determination of dependences for eigen frequencies of resonator. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(9(59), 44–47.



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