Analysis of the fouling in heat exchangers by irreversible thermodynamics methods


  • Виктория Викторовна Соколовская Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies 112 Kanatnaya str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65039, Ukraine



fouling, heat exchange surface, irreversible thermodynamics


The source of reduced efficiency of the heat exchanger during operation are the fouling layers.

In the analysis of existing theoretical research methods of the fouling dynamics in heat exchangers, it was proposed to use a method of entropy production minimization for the growth analysis of the thermal resistance of the heat transfer wall with the fouling layers. At the design stage, the method has shown the possibility to determine the energy performance of the heat exchanger in the time function, to evaluate the irreversibility in the transition of the heat exchanger to the operation with different temperature conditions and qualitative compositions of flows, to assess the behavior of a single flow, without calculating the entire heat exchanger.

The developed mathematical model of the formation dynamics of solid fouling layers on the heat exchange surface has allowed to introduce the approximate to the real values additional thermal resistances into the calculation at the design stage. The model more accurately describes the heat transfer and fluid dynamics, taking into account the uncertainty of the solid fouling layer formation.

This approach to the fouling layer formation analysis allows to forecast the behavior of the individual flow in heat exchangers and improve repair schedule under the continuous operation of the heat exchanger.

Author Biography

Виктория Викторовна Соколовская, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies 112 Kanatnaya str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65039

Associate professor, Candidate of technical science

Department of refrigerators, and air conditioning installations.

Institute of Refrigeration, and cryotechnology Ecoenergy them. VS Martynov


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How to Cite

Соколовская, В. В. (2015). Analysis of the fouling in heat exchangers by irreversible thermodynamics methods. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(8(76), 48–54.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment