A computer-aided design technology for manufacturing rubber and metal products


  • Олександр Леонідович Становський Odessa National Polytechnical University Shevchenko 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine
  • Олена Юріївна Лєбедєва Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine
  • Абу Шена Осама Мохаммед Алі Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine
  • Олександр Миколайович Красножон Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine
  • Павло Степанович Швець Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine




CAD-T process, anisotropic materials, composite products, rubber and metal shock absorbers


The study deals with the problems of a computer-aided design technology for the production of technical composite articles consisting of anisotropic materials with significantly different mechanical properties. The study is aimed at reducing the pre-production stage and increasing the quality of industrial products through the development and implementation of an improved method of optimizing CAD-T for rubber and metal products. The method is based on identifying and avoiding possible bifurcation points at the stage of computer-aided design of shock absorption equipment, which is a composite system of elements with significantly different properties.

We have analyzed the existing problems and methods of computer-aided design of rubber and metal composite products whose components have different properties. The devised CAD-T that is based on the phase portraits of the studied processes optimizes the technology parameters of the production of shock absorption equipment. Our computer-aided laboratory tests of the findings and production tests of the CAD-T gave positive technical effects.

The devised CAD-T has laid the basis for technically and economically beneficial pre-production of rubber and metal shock absorbers at the Odessa Rubber Factory.

Author Biographies

Олександр Леонідович Становський, Odessa National Polytechnical University Shevchenko 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044


Department of Oilgas and chemical mechanical engineering

Олена Юріївна Лєбедєва, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Department of Oilgas and chemical mechanical engineering

Абу Шена Осама Мохаммед Алі, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Department of Oilgas and chemical mechanical engineering

Олександр Миколайович Красножон, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Department of Oilgas and chemical mechanical engineering

Павло Степанович Швець, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044


Department of electric power and energy management


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How to Cite

Становський, О. Л., Лєбедєва, О. Ю., Мохаммед Алі, А. Ш. О., Красножон, О. М., & Швець, П. С. (2015). A computer-aided design technology for manufacturing rubber and metal products. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(1(77), 23–28. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2015.51213



Mechanical engineering technology