Research of the effect of terms and conditions of an offer on successful conclusion of the freight transaction




terms and conditions of an offer, freight transaction, voyage charter, shipowner, charterer, voyage expenses, statistical research


When forming a complex of the terms and conditions of the contract of affreightment, each party should assess adequately the chances of the conclusion of the transaction and also determine the necessary limits of adjustment of certain conditions in the event of the unacceptability of the base case of terms and conditions. To date, such decisions are made «intuitively», which, firstly, makes the process of conclusion of the transaction longer; secondly, may not provide compromise conditions at all.

The research analyzes the major terms and conditions of offers - bases for the conclusion of the contract of affreightment - as the factors that affect the parties' decision-making on the conclusion of the voyage charter; their formulations are given as advantageous and disadvantageous to the shipowner with regard to their impact on the amount of expenses and possible risks.

Using statistical methods - correlation and regression analysis and nonparametric analysis, the impact of the identified factors was quantified. The regression model, which, with a sufficient degree of reliability, allows to evaluate the success of the conclusion of the freight transaction was obtained. The results of the nonparametric analysis complement findings made on the basis of the regression analysis. Such complex of tools allows to cover the entire range of terms and conditions of the offer having both a quantitative assessment and set in the form of the qualitative characteristic.

Thus, by analyzing a combination of terms and conditions, stakeholders - the broker, the charterer and the sea carrier - can make certain concessions in reaching a compromise, and the proposed tools allow to do such actions reasonably.

Author Biographies

Світлана Петрівна Онищенко, Odessa National Maritime University str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa 65011

Doctor of  Economics, Associate Professor,

Head of  Department "Organization of customs control on transport"

Юлія Олексіївна Коскіна, Odessa National Maritime University str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa 65011

Ph.D., associate professor

Associate Professor  of  Department " Commerce in transport processes "


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How to Cite

Онищенко, С. П., & Коскіна, Ю. О. (2015). Research of the effect of terms and conditions of an offer on successful conclusion of the freight transaction. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(3(78), 25–32.



Control processes