Analysis of technological factors that significantly affect the formation of stresses in the cast machine parts
residual stresses, stress-strain state of cast parts, block-crankcaseAbstract
The results of shrinkage porosity distribution in cast parts of the block-crankcase of the internal combustion engine (ICE) were presented. It was shown that the localization of gas-shrinkage porosity coincides with the localization of residual stresses in a body of cast block-crankcase of ICE. Technological factors that significantly affect the formation of residual stresses were identified. These include the selected inoculant type and alloy inoculation modes; design of the gating system and rods, heat treatment modes. The measures that reduce residual stresses, in particular, a rational choice of the alloy; modifiers having an optimal combination of alloying and graphitizing elements; reduction of shrinkage inhibition during solidification, ensured by the rational design of rods; developing the gating system for the optimal flow of hydro- and gas-dynamic processes during the mould filling with the melt were proposed.
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