Improving the efficiency of automatic control systems of power quality of stand-alone power systems


  • Антон Александрович Жиленков Kerch state Maritime technological University Str. Ordzhonikidze, 82, Kerch, Russia, 298309, Russian Federation



stand-alone power systems, adaptive filtering, signal observers, load, fluctuations, generator


The urgent problem of improving the efficiency of active filter-compensating devices used in stand-alone electric power systems of offshore drilling platforms and water transport facilities is considered.

The simulation results showed that the developed system allows to improve the efficiency of the AFCD by increasing the identification accuracy of the compensated components of the current signals and mains voltage. Static variation did not exceed 0.5 %, in dynamics, the time to adapt to changes in the analyzed signal did not exceed one period of the fundamental harmonic of the mains voltage that is at least 3-4 times better than the performance of identification systems with the fast Fourier transform. The maximum error in transient conditions did not exceed 10 %. The upgraded model of the automatic control system of the active filter uses an observing device for recovering the network signals unavailable for measurement and performs a harmonic synthesis of non-sinusoidal currents and voltages using the adaptive approximation algorithms. The simulation results of the system under consideration are presented.

The research proved the high efficiency of the proposed method and technique for identification of the target harmonics of the analyzed signals.

Author Biography

Антон Александрович Жиленков, Kerch state Maritime technological University Str. Ordzhonikidze, 82, Kerch, Russia, 298309

Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor

The Department of ship electrical equipment and automation


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How to Cite

Жиленков, А. А. (2015). Improving the efficiency of automatic control systems of power quality of stand-alone power systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(9(78), 10–16.



Information and controlling system