Information technology of management of agricultural factories on the basis of forecasting of its economic state


  • Ігор Петрович Атаманюк Nicholas National Agrarian University Str. Paris Commune, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54010, Ukraine
  • Наталія Миколаївна Сіренко Nicholas National Agrarian University Str. Paris Commune, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54010, Ukraine
  • Інна Володимирівна Баришівська Nicholas National Agrarian University Str. Paris Commune, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54010, Ukraine



Random sequences, canonical expansions, extrapolation algorithm


Nowadays there are a lot of stochastic solutions of the problem of extrapolation of economic indicators. However, existing forecasting models were obtained under certain assumptions about the nature of changes of economic indicators. That greatly limits the accuracy of the solution. On the basis of the mechanism of canonical expansions we generated the forecasting algorithm, which does not restrict any random sequence of changes of economic indicators (Markov property, stationarity, monotonicity, scalarity, etc.). The only requirement of the method of canonical expansions of random sequences is a finiteness of the variance, which is usually performed for real sequences. The algorithm allows to predict the results of the company activity and to manage its development at the level of land resources, workforce, and fixed assets. The article presents a block diagram of the operation of the forecasting algorithm and the general scheme of computer system based on the proposed information technology. The information technology can be adapted to other control parameters, and used by non-agricultural enterprises

Author Biographies

Ігор Петрович Атаманюк, Nicholas National Agrarian University Str. Paris Commune, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54010

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics

Наталія Миколаївна Сіренко, Nicholas National Agrarian University Str. Paris Commune, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54010

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Department of Finance

Інна Володимирівна Баришівська, Nicholas National Agrarian University Str. Paris Commune, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54010




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How to Cite

Атаманюк, І. П., Сіренко, Н. М., & Баришівська, І. В. (2012). Information technology of management of agricultural factories on the basis of forecasting of its economic state. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4(60), 68–74.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects