Lamellar compounds of graphite
lamellar graphite compounds, intercalation, acceptor graphite compounds, donor lamellar compoundsAbstract
In this paper various variants of synthesis of lamellar graphite compounds have been considered. The ways of synthesis of lamellar graphite compounds with intercalants, which have anion structure, when anions of inorganic compounds implemented into interplanar space of graphite have been shown. Decomposition of these compounds when the temperature is increasing has been considered. Conditions of synthesis of lamellar graphite compounds when positive ions of metals, donor-acceptor and other classes of inorganic compounds implemented in interplanar space of graphite have been considered also. Synthesized lamellar graphite compounds can be applied in casting production and metal forming. When warming of casting heads acceptor graphite compounds are the most prospective. When preparing of molding sand lamellar graphite compound with halides are the most prospective. The using of lamellar graphite compounds will reduce the consumption of metal when casting of large blank because of decreasing the consumption of metal for casting headsReferences
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