Analysis of control system for industrial air-conditioner with desuperheater


  • Ігор Михайлович Голінко National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Victory Avenue 37, Kiev, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine
  • Віктор Григорович Трегуб National University pyschevыh technology Street. Vladimirskaya, 68, Kiev, Ukraine, 01033, Ukraine



air-conditioner, method of "optimal mode", parametric diagram, control system


The industrial air-conditioner is a complex device, which can not operate in manual mode. The existing approaches to automation assume the decomposition of conditioning technology at intermediate portions with their subsequent automation. In this case, the control system does not take into account the mutual influence of the equipment. The article analyzes the artificial climate system as technological complex with an integrated control system. This approach permits to take into account the effect of external perturbations and technological interaction of the equipment in the control system. Applying the methods of structural analysis of the theory of control we obtained the parametric scheme of the industrial air-conditioner with desuperheater. To improve the quality of control it is recommended to apply the program-parameter setting of temperature and humidity regulators of the air-conditioner, depending on the season. The suggested parametric scheme can be used by specialists occupied with the design of industrial computer-integrated technological complex of air conditioning. This will bring the control system of the air conditioner to a higher level and will ensure the efficient consumption of energy for the artificial climate control system

Author Biographies

Ігор Михайлович Голінко, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Victory Avenue 37, Kiev, Ukraine, 03056

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of automation processes teploэnerhetycheskyh

Віктор Григорович Трегуб, National University pyschevыh technology Street. Vladimirskaya, 68, Kiev, Ukraine, 01033

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department yntehryrovannыh of automated management systems


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How to Cite

Голінко, І. М., & Трегуб, В. Г. (2012). Analysis of control system for industrial air-conditioner with desuperheater. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(60), 14–18.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment