
  • Катерина Олександрівна Біляєва Kherson National Technical University Berislav Highway 24, Kherson, 73000, Ukraine
  • Надія Андріївна Соколова Kherson National Technical University 24, Berislavskoe shosse, Kherson, 73000, Ukraine
  • Віктор Захарович Лубяний Kherson National Technical University Berislav Highway 24, Kherson, 73000, Ukraine



information support of making decisions, innovative project, artificial intelligence, expert methods, algorithm.


The stage at which main indices on the project are formed and corrected is discussed. Definite methods of analysis and prediction are used. The approach to formation of the base of methods for project analysis is proposed and the algorithm realizing this approach is developed. It was found that the formalized methods with the purpose of receiving the initial prognostic data were used at the first stage of algorithm. The method of artificial neuron networks with the purpose of data analysis at presence of hidden tendencies that was impossible to reveal at the first stage was used at the second stage. The expert methods with the purpose of carrying out the qualitative situation analysis at the shortage of data were used at the third stage. The given algorithm is studied on the example of innovative project analysis. It was concluded that the approach proposed allowed to increase  informativeness and to decrease the risk of decision making at the choice of innovative project.

Author Biographies

Катерина Олександрівна Біляєва, Kherson National Technical University Berislav Highway 24, Kherson, 73000

postgraduateDepartment of Economic Cybernetics

Надія Андріївна Соколова, Kherson National Technical University 24, Berislavskoe shosse, Kherson, 73000

Doctor of  Engineering Sciences, Professor

Department of  Economic Cybernetics

Віктор Захарович Лубяний, Kherson National Technical University Berislav Highway 24, Kherson, 73000

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Economic Cybernetics


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How to Cite

Біляєва, К. О., Соколова, Н. А., & Лубяний, В. З. (2013). THE ALGORITHM OF FORMATION OF THE BASE OF METHODS FOR PROJECT ANALYSIS. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(61), 151–153.



Integrated strategic management, project management and software development companies and territorial