projects, cultures, harvesting, losses, risk, modeling, processes, indexes, efficiency, management.Abstract
A significant condition for effective implementation of projects of agriculture is to manage their production and technological risk, this particularly applies to harvest crops and transport projects. However, the specifics of these projects are that the content and the time depend on a substantive component, which by its nature is poorly managed or unmanaged. Therefore, for the management of such projects need to develop specific methods and models based on system-factors and system-event-driven analysis, methods of mathematical statistics, correlation and regression analysis, modeling and more. The said article methodology stages and components of management decisions based on the application of statistical methods for simulation work on projects, and thus enable a quantitative risk assessment performance in a changing environment.
These provisions extend the knowledge on the development of instrumental basis for management decisions during harvesting and transport operations in sugar beet programs.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Валерій Степанович Спічак, Олександр Васильович Сидорчук, Павло Миронович Луб, Тарас Дмитрович Гуцол, Олександр Валерійович Зеленський

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