The study of participants' values convergence on the example of international scientific project on cyber security
project on cyber security, project values, convergence of values, core of values, interaction in project, project participantsAbstract
Rapid development of new technologies of information wars, operating all over the world, puts forward the issue of constant development of new cybersecurity systems. It is possible to solve this problem only under conditions of implementation of international cooperation with the use of professional project management. The main task of it is providing effective interaction between project participants for its successful implementation, which requires the introduction of new methods and models for managing the values of the project.
The proposed method of forming the system of project values and distinguishing the core with the use of the methods of structural matrices provides for the possibility to determine a capability of this system to implement the project taking into account values of each participant.
The developed model of the determination of degree of convergence of values of participants of the project on cyber security allows the assessment of possibilities of effective cooperation between project participants.
The proposed recommendations regarding response of the project manager to the examined indices of values convergence are appropriate to use both at the stage of project planning and during its implementation, since the values of the project participants may significantly vary over time. The implementation of the performed studies will contribute to the prevention of conflicts and the restoration of effective cooperation for obtaining planned outcomes of the project.
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