How to improve the position of universities in the Webometrics ranking
ranking, Webometrics, web 2.0, Internet, website, quoting.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of improvement of results of the ranking of national universities in the international Webometrics ranking. It considers the methods that require coordinated efforts of the state scale. First of all, we should organize the transition of university sites to the model web 2.0, where the most of material will be created by teachers in the course of their day-to-day work, and then by students in the learning process. Introduction of information transparency policy will raise the value of openness and presence factors. Herewith, it is necessary to implement the checking for plagiarism. The next step is the creation of distributed network learning communities, uniting the efforts of students and teachers from different universities. To increase the value of the factor of influence it is necessary to involve other organizations, interested in the development of universities (schools, adventures), and to change the practice of quoting, e.i. to add web address of documents in bibliographic references and to indicate websites of universities every time they are mentioned in online publications.References
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