Development of knowledge­oriented system of machine translation based on the analytic­synthetic text processing




machine translation system, automated text analysis, analytical-synthetic text processing


A method for automated syntactic text analysis based on the declarative representation of the rules of syntactic combinability was developed. In this method, in contrast to those existing, the tables of syntactic rules are used not only for the context analysis, but also for defining the subject, predicate, secondary parts of the sentence, as well as superphrase syntactic combinations.

A method for software distribution of analytical-synthetic processing of a natural language text in machine translation systems was developed. The developed method, in contrast to the known methods, takes into account conditions of transition to parallel data processing both at the level of processing tasks and depending on the data type.

The C# applications, where the developed methods for analytical-synthetic processing of multilingual Russian, Ukrainian and English texts were realized, were implemented by software. It was experimentally proved that the developed software for texts on military subject area allow reducing the number of errors of semantic character by 14–16 % in comparison with the existing machine translation systems through the automated text processing at the level of sign system and the introduction of super-phrase synthesis. 

Author Biographies

Leonid Lytvynenko, European University Academika Vernadskogo blvd., 16 V, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03115

Postgraduate student

Department of Іnformation Systems and Mathematical Sciences

Oleksandr Nikolaievskyi, European University Academika Vernadskogo blvd., 16 V, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03115

Postgraduate student

Department of Іnformation Systems and Mathematical Sciences

Valeriy Lakhno, European University Academika Vernadskogo blvd., 16 V, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03115

Doctor of Technical Science, Associate Professor

Department of Managing Information Security

Elena Skliarenko, European University Academika Vernadskogo blvd., 16 V, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03115

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Іnformation Systems and Mathematical Sciences


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How to Cite

Lytvynenko, L., Nikolaievskyi, O., Lakhno, V., & Skliarenko, E. (2017). Development of knowledge­oriented system of machine translation based on the analytic­synthetic text processing. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2 (85), 15–24.