Македон Вячеслав Владиславович

Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара
Доктор економічних наук, професор
Кафедра міжнародної економіки і світових фінансів

Scopus profile: link
Researcher ID: T-7382-2017
ID ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8131-0235

Selected Publications:

  1. Makedon V., Krasnikova N., Krupskyi A, Stasiuk Y. Arrangement of digital leadership strategy by corporate structures: a review. Economic Studies. 2022. #31(8). P. 19-40. URL: https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=977

  2. Makedon, V.Dzeveluk, A.Khaustova, Y.Bieliakova, O.Nazarenko, I. (2021) Enterprise multi-level energy efficiency management system development, 29(1), pp. 73–91. URL: https://er.knutd.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/20180/1/1054-853X_29_1_4.pdf

  3. Shelukhin M., Kupriichuk V., Kyrylko N., Makedon V., Chupryna N. (2021) Entrepreneurship Education with the Use of a Cloud-Oriented Educational Environment. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. Volume 25, Issue 6. URL: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/entrepreneurship-education-with-the-use-of-a-cloudoriented-educational-environment-11980.html

  4. Pajak, K., Omelyanenko, V., Makedon, V., Shevchenko, V., Ovcharenko, I. (2020). Raising the level of financial security of the enterprise based on the basic risks differentiation. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 10(1): 115-130. URL: https://jssidoi.org/jssi/papers/papers/view/568

  5. Makedon, V., Zaikina, H., Slusareva, L., Shumkova, O., Zhmaylova, O. (2020). Use of rebranding in marketing sphere of international entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. Volume 24, Issue 1S. URL: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/use-of-rebranding-in-marketing-sphere-of-international-entrepreneurship-9325.html

  6. Makedon, V., Kostyshyna, T., Tuzhylkina, O., Stepanova, L., Filippov, V. (2019). Ensuring the efficiency of integration processes in the international corporate sector on the basis of strategic management. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, Volume 18, Special Issue 1. URL: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Ensuring-the-efficiency-of-integration-processes-in-the-international-corporate-sector-on-the-basis-of-strategic-management-1939-6104-18-SI-1-452.pdf

  7. Makedon, V., Drobyazko, S., Shevtsova, H., Maslosh, O., Kasatkina, M. (2019). Providing security for the development of high-technology organizations, Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 8(4): 1313-1331. URL: https://www.jssidoi.org/jssi/papers/papers/view/378

  8. Makedon, V., Hetman, O., Yemchuk, L., Paranytsia, N., Petrovska, S. (2019). Human resource management for secure and sustainable development. Journal of security and sustainability issues 8(3), 345-354. URL: https://jssidoi.org/jssi/papers/papers/view/346

  9. Drobyazko, S., Makedon, V., Zhuravlov, D., Buglak, Y., Stetsenko, V. (2019). Ethical, technological and patent aspects of technology blockchain distribution. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Volume 22, Special Issue 2. URL: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Ethical-Technological-and-patent-aspects-of-technology-bURL: lockchain-distribution-1544-0044-22-SI-2-365.pdf

  10. Metelenko, N.G., Kovalenko, O.V., Makedon, V., Merzhynskyi, Y.K., Rudych, A.I. (2019). Infrastructure security of formation and development of sectoral corporate clusters, Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 9(1): 77–89. URL: https://jssidoi.org/jssi/papers/papers/view/392

  11. Karpenko, L.; Serbov, M.; Kwilinski, A.; Makedon, V. & Drobyazko, S. (2018). Methodological platform of the control mechanism with the energy saving technologies. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, Volume 17, Issue 5. URL: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Methodological-platform-of-the-control-mechanism-1939-6104-17-5-271.pdf