Фреймворк для розробки grid-застосувань з підтримкою різних типів обчислювальних задач великої розмірності
https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.16598Ключові слова:
грід, фреймворк, потік робіт, оптимізація, рівень якості обслуговуванняАнотація
Розглянуто особливості використання grid-середовища для вирішення різних типів обчислювальних завдань. Визначені вимоги до засобів розробки високорівневих grid-застосувань та наведено результати дослідження існуючих. Запропоновано розширення архітектури відкритого фреймворку gUSE/WS-PGRADE сервісами оптимізації планування та виконання різних типів завдань у grid-середовищі шляхом аналізу особливостей структури завдання, стану та QoS рівня ресурсів grid-мережіПосилання
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- Job Submission Description Language (JSDL) Specification, Version 1.0, 2008, GFD-R.136 [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.gridforum.org/documents/GFD.136.pdf.
- Extended Resource Specification Language, Reference Manual for ARC versions 0.8 and above, Nordugrid-Manual-4, 2013 [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.nordugrid.org/documents/xrsl.pdf.
- Job description language attributes specification for the gLite Workload Management System, 2011, WMS-JDL.doc [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.ipnl.in2p3.fr/IMG/pdf/CREAM-JDL.pdf
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- Ludäscher, B. Scientific workflow management and the kepler system [Текст]/ B. Ludäscher, I. Altintas, C. Berkley, D. Higgins, E. Jaeger, M. Jones, E. A. Lee, J. Tao, and Y. Zhao // Research articles, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience journal. – 2006. - Т. 18(10). – С. 1039–1065.
- Korkhov, V. V. Virtual Laboratory and scientific workflow management on the grid for nuclear physics applications [Текст]/ V. V. Korkhov, D. A. Vasyunin, A. S .Z. Belloum, S. N. Andrianov, A. V. Bogdanov // Distributed computing and grid-technologies in science and education, Proceedings of the 4th lnternational Conference, Dubna. – 2010. – C.153–158.
- Voloshinov, V. V. Error-free inversion of ill-conditioned matrices in distributed computing system of restful-services of computer algebra [Текст]/ V. V. Voloshinov, S. A. Smirnov // Distributed computing and grid-technologies in science and education, Proceedings of the 4th lnternational Conference, Dubna. – 2010. – C. 257–263.
- Sukhoroslov, O. V. On development of grid-enabled applications and service-oriented scientific environments [Текст] / O.V. Sukhoroslov // Distributed computing and grid-technologies in science and education, Proceedings of the 4th lnternational Conference, Dubna. – 2010. – C. 236–240.
- Wieczorek, M. Scheduling of Scientific Workflows in the ASKALON Grid Environment [Текст]/ Marek Wieczorek, Radu Prodan & Thomas Fahringer // ACM SIGMOD Record Journal. – 2005. – Т. 34(3). – С. 56-62.
- Shamardin, L. GRIDNNN job execution service: a restful grid service [Текст]/ L. Shamardin, A. Demichev, A. Kryukov, V. Ilyin // Distributed computing and grid-technologies in science and education, Proceedings of the 4th lnternational Conference, Dubna. – 2010. – C. 215–219.
- Kacsuk, P. P-GRADE portal family for Grid infrastructures [Текст]/ P. Kacsuk // Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience journal. – 2011. – Т. 23(3). - С. 235-245.
- Appleton, O. The next-generation ARC middleware [Текст]/ O. Appleton, D. Cameron, J. Cernak, P. Dóbé, M. Ellert, T. Frågåt, M. Grønager, D. Johansson, J. Jönemo and others // Ann. Telecommun. - 2010. – Т. 65. – С. 771–776.
- Ganga. Simplifying use of the Grid [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://ganga.web.cern.ch/ganga.
- Install GridSphere Portal Framework [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://technical.bestgrid.org/index.php/Install_GridSphere_Portal_Framework.
- Projects:simplegrid:index [CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.cigi.uiuc.edu/doku.php/projects/simplegrid/index.
- Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Charles Koelbel et al. VGrADS: Enabling e-Science Workflows on Grids and Clouds with Fault Tolerance [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
- http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/similar?doi=
- Ewa Deelman, James Blythe et al. Pegasus: Mapping scientific workflows onto the grid, 2004 [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.cct.lsu.edu/~kosar/csc7700-fall06/papers/Deelman04.pdf.
- g-Eclipse Project – Tools for Grid and Cloud Computing [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.eclipse.org/geclipse/.
- Curcin, V. Scientific workflow systems - can one size fit all? [Текст]/ V. Curcin, M. Ghanem // Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE, CIBEC'08. – 2008. – С.1-9.
- Glatard, T. Flexible and efficient workflow deployement of data-intensive applications on grids with MOTEUR [Текст]/ Tristan Glatard, Johan Montagnat, Diane Lingrand, Xavier Pennec // International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA) , SAGE. – 2008. – Т. 22 (3). - С. 347-360.
- D3.js – Data-Driven Documents [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://d3js.org/.
- HeliosJS by entrendipity [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://entrendipity.github.io/helios.js/.
- Buyya, R. A Toolkit for the Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing [Текст] / Rajkumar Buyya and Manzur Murshed // The Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), Wiley Press. – 2002. – Т. 14(13-15). – С. 1175–1220.
- AfterGlow – Link Graph Visualization [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://afterglow.sourceforge.net/.
- Офіційний сайт oVirt [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.ovirt.org.
- Petrenko, A., Bulah, B. (2011). Workflow-systems application for the needs of modern science and engineering. Science news NTUU «KPI», 5, 40-51.
- Alberto Forti (2005-2006). DAG Scheduling for grid computing systems. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Udine – Italy, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
- Job Submission Description Language (JSDL) Specification, Version 1.0, 2008, GFD-R.136.
- Extended Resource Specification Language, Reference Manual for ARC versions 0.8 and above, Nordugrid-Manual-4, 2013.
- Job description language attributes specification for the gLite Workload Management System, 2011, WMS-JDL.doc.
- D. Hull, K. Wolstencroft, R. Stevens, C. Goble, M. R. Pocock, P. Li, and T. Oinn (2006). Taverna: A tool for building and running workflows of services. Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 34, 729–732, web Server Issue.
- Joseph C. Jacob, Daniel S. Katz, G. Bruce Berriman, John Good, Anastasia C. Laity, Ewa Deelman, Carl Kesselman, Gurmeet Singh, Mei-Hui Su, Thomas A. Prince, Roy Williams (2009). Montage: a grid portal and software toolkit for science-grade astronomical image mosaicking. Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, 73-87.
- I. Taylor, M. Shields, I. Wang, and A. Harrison. Visual Grid Workflow in Triana (2005). Journal of Grid Computing, vol. 3, no. 3-4, 153–169.
- B. Ludäscher, I. Altintas, C. Berkley, D. Higgins, E. Jaeger, M. Jones, E. A. Lee, J. Tao, and Y. Zhao (2006). Scientific workflow management and the kepler system. Research articles, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience journal, vol. 18, no. 10,. 1039–1065.
- V. V. Korkhov, D. A. Vasyunin, A. S .Z. Belloum, S. N. Andrianov, A. V. Bogdanov (2010). Virtual Laboratory and scientific workflow management on the grid for nuclear physics applications. Distributed computing and grid-technologies in science and education, Proceedings of the 4th lnternational Conference, Dubna, pp. 153–158.
- V. V. Voloshinov, S. A. Smirnov (2010). Error-free inversion of ill-conditioned matrices in distributed computing system of restful-services of computer algebra. In: Distributed computing and grid-technologies in science and education, Proceedings of the 4th lnternational Conference, Dubna, 257–263.
- O. V. Sukhoroslov (2010). On development of grid-enabled applications and service-oriented scientific environments. Distributed computing and grid-technologies in science and education, Proceedings of the 4th lnternational Conference, Dubna, 236–240.
- Marek Wieczorek, Radu Prodan and Thomas Fahringer (2005). Scheduling of Scientific Workflows in the ASKALON Grid Environment. ACM SIGMOD Record Journal, vol. 34, no. 3, 56-62.
- L. Shamardin, A. Demichev, A. Kryukov, V. Ilyin (2010). GRIDNNN job execution service: a restful grid service. Distributed computing and grid-technologies in science and education, Proceedings of the 4th lnternational Conference, Dubna, 215–219.
- P. Kacsuk (2011). P-GRADE portal family for Grid infrastructures. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience journal, Volume: 23, Issue: 3, 235-245.
- O. Appleton, D. Cameron, J. Cernak, P. Dóbé, M. Ellert, T. Frågåt, M. Grønager, D. Johansson, J. Jönemo and others (2010). The next-generation ARC middleware. Ann. Telecommun., 65:771–776, DOI 10.1007/s12243-010-0210-2.
- Ganga. Simplifying use of the Grid [Online resource]. - Access: http://ganga.web.cern.ch/ganga.
- Install GridSphere Portal Framework [Online resource]. - Access: http://technical.bestgrid.org/index.php/Install_GridSphere_Portal_Framework.
- Projects:simplegrid:index [CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory] [Online resource]. – Access: https://www.cigi.uiuc.edu/doku.php/projects/simplegrid/index.
- Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Charles Koelbel et al. VGrADS: Enabling e-Science Workflows on Grids and Clouds with Fault Tolerance [Online resource]. – Access:
- http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/similar?doi=
- Ewa Deelman, James Blythe et al. Pegasus: Mapping scientific workflows onto the grid, 2004 [Online resource]. – Access: https://www.cct.lsu.edu/~kosar/csc7700-fall06/papers/Deelman04.pdf.
- g-Eclipse Project – Tools for Grid and Cloud Computing [Online resource]. – Access: http://www.eclipse.org/geclipse/.
- V. Curcin, M. Ghanem. Scientific workflow systems - can one size fit all? Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE, CIBEC'08.
- Tristan Glatard, Johan Montagnat, Diane Lingrand, Xavier Pennec (August 2008). Flexible and efficient workflow deployement of data-intensive applications on grids with MOTEUR. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), 22 (3), SAGE, 347-360.
- D3.js – Data-Driven Documents [Online resource]. – Access: http://d3js.org/.
- HeliosJS by entrendipity [Online resource]. – Access: http://entrendipity.github.io/helios.js/.
- Rajkumar Buyya and Manzur Murshed, GridSim: A Toolkit for the Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing, The Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), Volume 14, Issue 13-15, Wiley Press, Nov.-Dec., 2002.
- AfterGlow – Link Graph Visualization [Online resource]. – Access: http://afterglow.sourceforge.net/.
- Official Site oVirt [Online resource]. – Access: http://www.ovirt.org.
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