Development of doctrinal model for state financial security management and forecasting its level
financial security management, financial security, financial security forecastingAbstract
A doctrinal model of state financial security management in the context of globalization changes has been developed. The model is formed at five levels (doctrinal, conceptual, strategic, programmatic, planned), contains a logical continuum of mission, priorities in the financial sector and the level of technological innovation, influencing factors and a system of actions aimed at achieving goals. This model accumulates a set of solutions aimed at adapting to transformational processes in the economy associated with new needs of states, globalization processes in the world financial space, technology development, new challenges and threats.
As a result of the study, forecasting is carried out and the effectiveness of the results of modifying approaches to managing the financial security of the state using a polynomial algorithm for extrapolating the parameters of stochastic systems is proved. A polynomial correlation-regression model is presented, the input data of which were specific indicators of the effectiveness of innovative development of the state, perception of corruption and debt dependence. In fact, this is a set of those indicators at which the strategic directions of strengthening the financial security of the state are directed in the context of globalization changes.
The generalized values of the state of financial security of the state, determined on the basis of the developed polynomial correlation-regression model, are obtained, as well as the absolute and relative amounts of error indicate the accuracy of the forecasts obtained. So, the mean level of error is 0.005 %, which means that the totality of these indicators can characterize the state of financial security of the state. Accordingly, this model is useful in the process of predicting the results of modifying approaches to the formation of the financial security of the state
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