Modeling of customeroriented construction project management using the gender logic systems
project management, construction project, gender approach, Project Management OfficeAbstract
The specificity of the feminine and masculine contexts of managing the customer needs in the construction project is highlighted. It is substantiated that the customer-oriented context of the gender logic systems of construction project management allows improving existing management approaches on the platform of values, which is wider than the traditional “triangle of design constraints” (time, cost, quality). The existing gender cognitive gap of project management standards (PMBOK, PMBOK Construction) is described in terms of defining the place and role of customers.
The gender-balanced model of the customer-oriented system of construction project management in the parameters of processes, methods and tools of project management is proposed. The developed corresponding matrix, which includes analytical tools for managing the customer needs, deepens the integration of participatory (feminine) management in the “body of knowledge” of the РМВОК. The dynamics of application of customer-oriented project activities at different phases of a construction project life cycle is taken into account. The customer-oriented components of the characteristics of the corresponding processes were formulated by extrapolating the feminine logic system into the matrix of customer-sensitive construction project management processes. The correlation between the feminine customer management system and the formation of a qualitative context of architectural and planning decisions of construction projects is demonstrated.
The results of customer-oriented modeling are discussed on an example of Construction Project Management Office (СPМО). Four phases of client-orientation are revealed: “І – customer interest (to hear his voice)”; “ІІ – implementation of “individual customer requirements” in architectural and spatial, design and technical solutions”; “ІІІ – customer-oriented execution of construction and installation work”; “IV – loyal customer of the company-developer”. The proposed evaluation tool will allow the top management of the companies-developers, СРМОС to carry out a self-assessment of progress in the development of client-oriented construction project management and to choose the actions necessary to move from “initiation” to ”completion” of the project.
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