Method for configuring the composition of a project team based on the criteria of subjective well­-being




project team formation, personal profile, subjective well-being, team coherence coefficient, evaluation scale


The method for configuring a project team by the criterion of subjective well-being was developed. The method is aimed at searching for such a configuration of candidates at which a team with high commonality is formed based on the importance of values (factors) of subjective well-being and their actual satisfaction at the moment of team formation. The method is based on two conceptual provisions-axioms. Firstly, the most appropriate results of construction of a personal profile are achieved during self-analysis of the attitude of a candidate to indicators of subjective well-being. Secondly, ranking makes it possible to construct a series, in which the least achieved indicators act as the most important.

On this basis, it seems possible to compare profiles of candidates with each other and identify the most similar ones. It was theoretically substantiated that the configuration of the closest profiles is a prerequisite for the formation of a positive working environment as a necessary factor for comfortable interaction of team members and a significant integrating factor of involvement in a project. The developed method of the construction of a candidate’s personal profile ensures necessary accuracy and increases reliability of obtained information. Two "working zones" of a personal profile (first five and the following seven comprising 27 indicators) that determine close profiles of candidates were identified empirically. The indicators of the overall total rank for indicators of zones and the team coherence coefficient were introduced to compare the profiles.

To interpret the value of coherence coefficient in the empirical way, the evaluation scale from seven interval zones for the teams consisting of two to ten participants was constructed. Its effectiveness and adequacy were proved based on the results of experimental testing, the possibility of using the criterion of subjective well-being as a parameter for the formation of project teams

Author Biographies

Valentyn Rach, Educational-Scientific Institute of Information and Communication technologies “KROK” University Tabirna str., 30-32, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03113

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of Educational-Scientific Institute

Ikenna Osakwe, “KROK” University Tabirna str., 30-32, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03113

Postgraduate student

Department of Mathematical Methods and Statistics

Olena Medvedieva, “KROK” University Tabirna str., 30-32, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03113

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Mathematical Methods and Statistics

Olha Rossoshanskaya, Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts Tchigorina str., 20, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Natalia Borulko, “KROK” University Tabirna str., 30-32, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03113

Postgraduate student

Department of Mathematical Methods and Statistics


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How to Cite

Rach, V., Osakwe, I., Medvedieva, O., Rossoshanskaya, O., & Borulko, N. (2019). Method for configuring the composition of a project team based on the criteria of subjective well­-being. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(3 (98), 48–59.



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