A study of the technological reliability of railway stations by an example of transit trains processing





technological reliability, failure probability, reliability, timely arrival, timely departure, technological conflict, inter-operational downtime, simulation modelling


The study reveals an influence of the main technological parameters on the probability of failing and uptime work to receive and dispatch transit cargo trains in time. The determined regularities concern failures resulting from changes in the daily load, the technological equipment of transit depots, and uneven sizes of arriving and departing flows of trains. The importance of the research is grounded on a lack of objective assessment of the reliability of a standard operational model of processes that take place at maintenance depots for railway transport, which means that it is essential to determine the probability of failure of timely receipt and dispatch of cargo trains.

The level of failure and the trouble-free uptime are mainly affected by the size of the operational fleet of train locomotives, the uneven number of daily trains, and the minimal pre-set intervals of associated arrivals and departures of trains.

The research has established that the existing standards ensure the required level of reliability (the probability of a timely acceptance of trains at 95 %). However, the time of trains’ staying on receiving and departure tracks exceeds the norm almost 4 times, which minimizes the likelihood of timely departures of trains. The probability of failure in timely departures is not taken into account by the current regulations; therefore, it is suggested that such a standard should be introduced.

The undertaken tests facilitate objective evaluation of the reliability of the typical technological processes that take place at technical railway stations and entail the need to review the methods of its rationing.

Author Biography

Viacheslav Matsiuk, State Economy and Technology University of Transport M. Lukashevicha str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03049

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of process control traffic


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How to Cite

Matsiuk, V. (2017). A study of the technological reliability of railway stations by an example of transit trains processing. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(3 (85), 18–24. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2017.91074



Control processes