Improved method to determine structural-mechanical properties of turkey meat at axial deformation




penetration, structural-mechanical properties, axial deformation, deformation diagram, turkey fillet


We proposed an improved express-method to examine structural-mechanical properties of turkey meat, based on determining the relaxation effort and penetration. Changes in elasticity and relaxation effort of chilled turkey fillet at different storage periods are characterized.

The designed installation makes it possible to explore and analyze the structural and mechanical properties by the method of axial deformation in 20...30 min. with a sensitivity that allows detecting changes in the structure that are undetectable organoleptically.

We described changes in elasticity and relaxation effort of chilled turkey fillet with different shelf life. It was established that organoleptically pronounced changes in the structural-mechanical properties of turkey fillet occur in 46 hours of storage. First, the relaxation slows down, the limit of elasticity is reduced, which, in the combination with the lower tensile strength of the fibers, allows us to recommend it for the formation of natural culinary products with a required shape.

The proposed technique to analyze the results of relaxation and axial penetration makes it possible to draw conclusions about the structural-mechanical properties of turkey meat, the term of its storage, as well as to recommend the examined samples for a certain type of culinary treatment.

The method we developed might be implemented under conditions of small-scale production or laboratories at the wholesale trade enterprises to determine quality of raw materials.

Author Biography

Svetlana Shapoval, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Kioto str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of engineering and technical disciplines


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How to Cite

Shapoval, S. (2017). Improved method to determine structural-mechanical properties of turkey meat at axial deformation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10 (85), 63–69.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production